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Character Portraits for Advanced Painters

Project: Character Portraits

Grade: Advanced Painting (11th/12th)

Standards: 6PE: Apply self-direction, independence and a purposed approach when defining and solving a visual design problem. 3PR: Contribute to a portfolio of works that demonstrates technical skill,

a range of media and various original solutions to visual art

problems. 4RE: Analyze and explain the relationship between the content and ideas in artworks and the use of media and compositional elements.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will analyze how portraits have functioned as works of art over time

  • Students will create a portrait of someone they know that showcases that person’s characteristics

  • Students will understand how technique, color, and composition help to enhance the meaning of a work of art.

  • Students will continue to construct a portfolio of work based on their chosen theme


Portrait: A portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression is predominant. The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person.

Composition: the placement or arrangement of visual elements or 'ingredients' in a work of art


  • Reference photos

  • Oils, Water colors, or acrylic paints

  • Gesso

  • Impasto

  • Brushes

  • Projector/Computer

  • Document camera for demo


  • Students will view PPT introducing the project, going over history of portraiture and several example of famous portraits

  • Will review with students key points during demo:

    • Gessoing/underpainting

    • Composition

    • Facial feature (eyes, nose, mouth)

    • Introduce oil painting techniques

  • Students will take a photo of an individual they are close with/know well

  • They will work from that photo to paint a character portrait; must include a challenge element (editing original colors, including a background, new painting technique etc.)

  • Students will have 2-3 weeks to work on portraits

  • Portrait must relate somehow to their overall portfolio theme for the year.

  • Students will be graded using a formal rubric upon completion.

Powerpoint for Lesson

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Student Work


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